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CFS System process

February 22 817 Views
  1. First phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using groups of fermentation microorganisms)
  2. Second phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using groups of synthetically-fermenting microorganisms)
  3. Third phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using synthetically-fermenting microorganisms groups)
  4. Fourth phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using manufacturing-priority microorganisms and catalysts remediation)
  5. Fifth phase of remediation using microorganisms and metallic catalysts (catalysts remediation, like enzymes, etc.)

These are the phases of remediation, during them, the biodegradation bacteria and enzymes are produced relatively with their substrates of effluent. The bacteria start to reproduce, and antimicrobial agents emerge. When the bacteria settle and reproduce efficient numbers, they create themselves the perfect combined fermentation ecosystem, on which we can depend to proceed with remediation process (e.g. biodegradation, etc.) effectively.

1. First phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using groups of fermentation microorganisms)
DyehousesEffluent Flow-rate regulatingfermentation tank 1 Flow-rate regulatingfermentation tank 2 Flow-rate regulatingfermentation tank 3 Flow-rate regulatingfermentation tank 4 Flow-rate regulatingfermentation tank 5 Flow-rate regulatingfermentation tank 6

The combined fermentation process, which depends mainly on enzymes, occurs in this phase, and results from the single, multiple, multiple parallel and solid-state fermentation processes that occur at the same time; while the microorganisms create an environment of coexistence and mutual prosperity. The microorganisms are catalyzed in the combined fermentation; and because of the increase in fungus numbers, crystals are resulted. They bond to proteins macromolecules and play the catalysts role. Moreover, several types of phototrophic and chemotrophic bacteria (mainly sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and sulfur-reducing bacteria) serve to decompose the molecular structure of the noxious substances in the effluent. In other words, they play a significant role in liquidizing solids using polymer and convert them into organic intermediates.

Although, they collect the energy that was generated from the decomposition of the molecular channels of the noxious substances, move the process to the next phase, and help in saving the alkaline medium (organic liquefaction) and its energy, which is necessary for the fermentation process.

Additionally, the fermentation microorganisms (lactic acid, yeast and other fermentation microorganisms) work on decomposing and gasifying the interstitial matter, cycles and metabolism processes which are resulted from the origin (substance levels) and solids liquidizing. Speaking about the common types of microorganisms, we will find that the ratio of the aerobic to anaerobic = 8:2, and depending on the fermented substances (biocatalysts) which contain vitamins, metals and amino acids that produce huge amounts of aerobic microorganisms, so the aerobic Fuzarium species, E. coli, germs, filamentous fungi and others are eliminated.

Second phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using groups of synthetically-fermenting microorganisms)
Fermentationdevice 1 Combinedfermentation tank 1 Combinedfermentation tank 2 Fermentationdevice 2 Combinedfermentation tank 3 Combinedfermentation tank 4 Primarysedimentation tank 1 MLSS storage tank Primarysedimentation tank 2

In this phase, the aerobic fermentation processes take place and ferment the polymerized effluent, which is resulted from the decomposition of the molecular channels in the first phase of remediation. The oxidizing bacteria (e.g. Fuzarium species) will be eliminated by obtaining physiologically effective substances, such as the metabolites, which become the anaerobic microorganisms’ main method and participate in the fermentation process. After repeating this, the number of bacterial cells increases, eliminating the oxidizing bacteria. While the anti repulsive matters bacteria remain and serve as biodegradation bacteria.

The antimicrobial agents (e.g. Streptomyces, Penicillium, etc.) are produced by the Actinomyces and eliminate the anaerobic Fuzarium species, such as the pathogenic bacteria, germs, viruses, Rickettsia, DNA-Viruses and RNAViruses. Here, we will find that the ratio of the aerobic to anaerobic = 5:5.

Additionally, the MLSS (groups of fermentation and synthetically-fermenting microorganisms) start to work again in the primary sedimentation tank by going back to fermentation tank 1 and fermentation tanks 1 & 2, by regulating the flow rate, and controlling and hiding biodegradation process.

Third phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using synthetically-fermenting microorganisms groups)
Processingtank 3 Processingtank 5 Processingtank 4 Processingtank 6 Seconderysedimentation tank Processingtank 1 Seconderysedimentation tank Processingtank 2

The processing tank adsorbs Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and other gases from the air, emits Oxygen, and captures the aerobic and anaerobic Fuzarium species; thanks to nitrogen fixation bacteria, such Azotobacter, Amylobacter and root nodule bacteria. The energy resulted from secondary microorganisms remediation is used to modify lactic acid crystals, protein crystals and cross-linked enzyme crystals. The number of biodegradation bacteria in this phase ranges from 700 to 1000 types of live bacteria, and the ratio of the dominant aerobic microorganisms to the anaerobic = 1:9 ~ 0:10.

Moreover, the MLSS (synthetic microorganisms groups) in the secondary sedimentation tanks 1 & 2 begin to work after going back again to the top of the processing tank, and it creates an ecosystem for the synthetic microorganisms. Then, the bioactive microorganisms are sent to the fourth phase to operate collaboratively with crystals.

Fourth phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using manufacturing-priority microorganisms and catalysts remediation)
Processingtank 2 Biocatalysts tank

Biocatalysts tank remedies the catalyzing enzymes and biocatalysts which are produced by the synthetic microorganisms, algae and Phycomycetes. The crystals of catalysts are generated by the operation of the Phycomycetes and phototrophic bacteria catalysts.

Fourth phase of remediation using microorganisms (remediation using manufacturing-priority microorganisms and catalysts remediation)
Processingtank 2 Silicacatalysts tank Processingtank 2 Substancescatalysts tank Processingtank 2 Silicacatalysts tank Processingtank 2 Carbon catalyststank Processingtank 2 Micro-particlefilters Pure water Clean wastewater Wastewater

There is energy resulted from the organic protein crystals, and from the decomposition of organic-based energy intermediates of ionic catalysts and inorganic intermediates (e.g. C, SiO2, Ti, Fe, Al, Cu, Mg, Li, Be, B, etc.). When this process ends flawlessly, the water could be used as wastewater, clean wastewater and pure water, then it becomes potable mineral water.

  1. At the silica catalysts tank, Carbon absorbs Nitrogen, activators, crystals groups, and protein crystals that are brought from the previous tank and converted into positive substances as a result of their collision with C and SiO2 in this tank. As a result, only the organic energy intermediates, proteins macromolecules and cross-linked enzyme crystals migrate to the next tank.
  2. In the next step, energy enzymes are generated from the reactions among the enzymes catalysts, that are resulted from the collision of the organic and inorganic energy intermediates, according to the collision with metallic crystals (e.g. Ti, Fe, Al, Cu, Mg, Li, Be, B, etc.) inside the substances catalysts tank.
  3. At the next silica catalysts tank, the aerobic photosynthesis process takes place because of the collision of the energy enzymes.
  4. At the final carbon catalysts tank, the carbon adsorbs the remaining hydrogen groups, eliminating the last catalyst.